Category: <span>Beauty of Nature</span>


1 – Ocean waters serve as a source of food and valuable minerals. 2 – Other products of the oceans are also used. For example , pearls taken from oysters are used in jewelry , and shells and coral have been widely used as a source of building material. 3 …


1 – Rivers begin at their source in higher ground such as mountains or hills , where rain water or melting snow collects and forms tiny streams. 2 – As the river flows downstream , it gains more water from other streams , rivers , springs , added rainfall , …


1 – Lakes are water-bodies formed naturally whereas reservoirs are artificial water bodies constructed by humans , either by damming a flowing river or by diverting water from a river to an artificial basin. 2 – A lake usually contains freshwater but some can be saltwater. 3 – Lakes also …


1 – A glacier is formed from compacted layers of snow , that slowly deforms and flows due to gravity. 2 – Glaciers play a crucial role in storing up and slowly releasing water , making it available during the dry season when there is almost no rain. 3 – …


1 – Around 20 percent of the Earth’s surface is covered with mountains. 2 – There are mountains and mountain ranges in the ocean. Many islands are actually the tops of mountains. 3 – Half of the world’s population depends on mountain water. The mountains are a store house of …

The Plant

1 – We may have found small amount of grasses in our gardens , and after sometimes we are started to see how the grasses have proliferated in a large quantity and have gradually filled up the entire garden. Undeniably , when the herbs reproduce , they have similar qualities. …


1 – A seed is from which a plant grows. The outer layer of the seed is known as the seed ‘coat’. At times , the seed coat is extremely thin and soft and sometimes the seed coat is so hard and thick that it cannot be broken with bare …

The Roots

1 – Absorption and conduction. The plant root system absorbs water and nutrients from the soil. From the root , these are moved upward and whatever the height , the water rises without any difficulty , for example , the height of an eucalyptus tree is 50 to 75 feet. …

Transport System in Plants

1 – Stem contains microscopic tubes :– xylem vessels and phloem vessels. 2 – Stem has been designed with precision and in details. 3 – Stems have two main functions. The first one , there are xylems that transport water and minerals from the roots upwards to all other parts …


1 – Flowers charm , please and entertain us with their lovely scent and striking beauty. 2 – The structure of a plant varies from one another. Different types of plant have different types of structure and flower patterns. 3 – The shape , the colour , the taste , …