Category: <span>ANIMALS</span>


1 – The Camel can survive without food and water for eight days at a temperature of 50°C. 2 – The Camels have two rows of thick eyelashes to protect their eyes from the desert dust and from harsh sandstorms. 3 – They are also able to close their nostrils …


1 – Goats have excellent coordination. They have great balance and are thus able to survive in precarious areas such as steep mountains. They can even climb trees and some species can jump over 5 feet high. 2 – They have excellent night vision and will often browse during the …


1 – Sheep can adapt themselves in a wide variety of habitats worldwide ranging from temperate mountain forests to desert conditions. 2 – The sheep is important to us today. They provide us with food , leather , clothing and give us the raw materials for by-products , such as …


1 – The cow has just one stomach but the cow’s stomach contains four separate compartments or chamber. 2 – The first chamber – This is a large chamber , that helps to store the food after it is eaten. However , while it can’t digest food itself , it …


1 – Bone health:- Cow and goat Milk are providers of calcium , phosphorous , magnesium and protein which are all essential for healthy bone growth and development. Adequate consumption of milk and dairy products can help to make the bones strong and protect them against diseases like osteoporosis (a …


1 – Horses have excellent senses including good hearing , eyesight , and a tremendous sense of balance. 2 – Their ears can turn in different directions to aid their hearing. 3 – Horses use their ears , eyes and nostrils to express their mood. 4 – They also communicate …


1 – Donkeys are very strong animals. 2 – Donkeys can recognise areas and other donkeys they were with up to. 3 – When a donkey is faced with a strange situation, its instinct is to stand still and to consider what is expected. 4 – If it is being …