A person might have committed shirk without actually such an intention
There certain actions and words, which if a person does or says, can expel him from the religion of Islaam. And yet it could be that that person did not have the intention or wish to abandon Islaam and also never intended to commit an act of kufr.
Let us look at an example to understand this. There are people who invoke, pray to, ask a dead person at his , believing that that deceased person has divine powers that will protect him, provide for him and help him. These people do not believe that they are committing an act of kufr, but rather they take these practices as ‘Ibaadah’ (worship) and a means of drawing closer to Allaah Ta’alah.
However, their acts of worship are purely acts of ‘shirk and kufr’. And this destroys their belief (imaan).
Legalising sins is ‘kufr’
Whether a sin is ‘sagheerah’ (small) or ‘kabeerah’ (big), it has always been and will always be ‘haraam’ (forbidden). Believing or taking a sin as ‘halaal’ permissible is an act of kufr.
Making a mockery of or taking any beliefs, practices and teachings of Islaam lightly without giving them any due consideration is an act of kufr.
These days, people have become so materialistic that they sacrifice or give up their imaan (belief) for this materialistic culture. And even if they claim to accept the beliefs and teachings of Islaam, they just do not give any importance or due consideration to them and ignore them without any worries or regrets. They make fun of these teachings and pass bad remarks about Islaam.
Here are a few examples:
There are people who mock at men who grow a beard, or women who cover their faces with hijab, or those who use miswaak to clean their teeth. They scoff at those who practise the sunnah of eating, drinking and dressing up and so on. With such an attitude, they only invite the wrath of Allaah upon themselves and destroy their ‘imaan’ (faith or belief).
The Arabic word ‘kufr’ is derived from the root word ‘KAFARA’, which means to cover something or to hide something. Thus the word ‘kufr’ refers to those people who know the truth but they cover it, hide it or refuse to make it known.
The word ‘kufr’ also means or refers:-
– to those who cover the truth after it had been clearly manifested to them; Or
– to cover (hide) the favour of Allaah Ta’alah or oppose (act against) it or to deliberately reject the truth; Or
– to those who do not believe in Allaah Ta’alah or do not believe in the holy Qur’an; Or
– to those who do not believe in the Messenger of Allaah Ta’alah, the Prophet Muhammad (sal lal laahu alaihi wa sal lam)
A ‘kafir’ is someone who basically does any of the actions mentioned above.
Just as it is important to know the meaning of the words ‘Islam’ and ‘Muslim’, so it equally important to know the meaning of the words ‘kafir’ and ‘kufr’ so that one does not actually fall in the trap of ‘kufr’.
In basic simple terms ‘kufr’ means the act of rejecting the articles of faith in Islam.
Articles of faith are:
1) Allaah
2) Allaah’s angels
3) Allaah’s Messengers (all the prophets)
4) Allaah’s Books of Revelations
5) The Day of Judgment (Qiyaamah)
6) Takdir ‘Destiny’ (everything that Allaah has decreed to happen)
‘Kufr’ has a very negative effect on a person’s life and it affects everything in his life whether socially, privately or publicly. A person involved in ‘kufr’ does not accept or recognise that he will be rewarded or be punished in the next world (Arabic meaning for ‘next world’ is ‘Akhirat’). Thus he does not observe the limits set by Allaah Ta’alah. He does not acknowledge the Day of Judgment. And he commits sins deliberately.
The first teaching of Allaah Ta’alah’s Messenger (sal lal laahu alaihi wa sal lam) to Mankind is, ‘the belief in the Oneness of Allaah Ta’alah’ (in Arabic this means ‘Tawheed’). Allaah Ta’alah’s Messenger (sal lal laahu alaihi wa sal lam) has freed humanity from the fear of false, fanciful and imaginary deities. In fact, these false divinities are ‘invented gods’, gods invented by people themselves, by their imagination. These invented deities are actually the cause of much suffering and anxiety among the people themselves.
Whenever this fundamental teaching (belief in Tawheed) weakens, people find themselves becoming victims of injustice, tyranny, oppression and immorality which lead to their destruction and ruin.
A Muslim must firmly believe in certain established principles and practices which Islaam has clearly set out. These practices or rituals are free of any doubts and it is therefore compulsory for him to hold on to them. Hence to deny or reject any of them is an act of ‘kufr’.
There are two categories of kufr:-
1) Major (big) ‘kufr’
2) Minor (small) ‘kufr’
(1) Major kufr
Below are four sub-categories of Major ‘kufr’. A person guilty of any of the under-mentioned ‘kufr’ is called a ‘kafir’ (infidel). Anyone who commits any of them completely expels himself from the religion of Islam.
• Kufr Nifaq
• Kufr Juhood
• Kufr Shakk
• Kufr Ta’weel
– Kufr Nifaq
Kufr Nifaq is committed out of hypocrisy and refers to those Muslim believers who hide their act of kufr. (Surah 63 Al-Munafiqun, verse 2 – 3)
– Kufr Juhood
‘Kufr Juhood’ means to reject the Islamic Faith and its teachings though deep in one’s heart one knows that it is the truth that one is rejecting. Kufr Juhood is the result of rebellion and obstinacy; this is the type of kufr practised by the ‘Ahle-Kitaab (People of the Scriptures) the Jews and the Christians. The following Surah 2 Al-Baqara, verse 89 shows to us that the Jews used to practise this type of kufr:
“…-but [then] when there came to them that which they recognised, they disbelieved in it…”
Before the advent of Islaam the Jews knew about the Last Prophet Muhammad (sal lal laahu alaihi wa sal lam) because his coming was mentioned in their Torah and so were his qualities. So they used to say that they would make victory over the Arab tribes with his help when he would come. But when the Last Prophet Muhammad (sal lal laahu alaihi wa sal lam) came, the Jews denied him and did not believe in his message. And yet they actually knew the truth.
– Kufr Shakk
‘Kufr Shakk’ is the type of ‘kufr’ caused by doubts. They are those who reject the truth because they are in doubt. And in the holy Qur’an Allaah Ta’alah has challenged those people through the following verse:-
“And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down [i.e. the Qur’an] upon Our Servant [i.e. Prophet Muhammad (sal lal laahu alaihi wa sal lam)], then produce a surah the like thereof and call upon your witnesses [i.e. supporters] other than Allaah, if you should be truthful.” (Surah 2 Baqarah, verse 23)
– Kufr Ta’weel
‘Kufr Ta’weel’ is the type of kufr which comes about as a result of wrong interpretations of Islamic teachings which are manipulated or twisted by some people. This ‘kufr’ also happens when the Islamic teachings are interpreted to give a different meaning which is far from that given by Allaah Ta’alah’s Messenger (sal lal laahu alaihi wa sal lam).
Nowadays, ‘kufr Ta’weel is very common. Some people, by giving wrong interpretations, deform the true teachings of Islam:-
- “As for those in whose hearts is deviation [from truth], they will follow that of it which is unspecific, seeking discord and seeking an interpretation [suitable to them]…” (Surah 3 Al-Imraan, verse 7)
- Prophet Muhammad (sal lal laahu alaihi wa sal lam) has said: “The one who says something from the Qur’an without having any knowledge of it, that he takes his abode in hell.” [Tirmidhi]
(2) Minor Kufr
This second category (type) of ‘kufr’, that is, ‘Minor Kufr’, does not expel the one who commits it from Islam. This happens when ingratitude is shown to Allaah Ta’alah for His favours and blessings. If one happens to commit this minor ‘kufr’ one must repent and ask Allaah Ta’alah for forgiveness.
“Allaah sets forth a Parable: a city enjoying security and quiet, abundantly supplied with sustenance from every place: yet it was ungrateful for the favours of Allaah. So Allaah made it taste of hunger and terror (in extremes), (closing in on it), like a garment (from every side), because of the (evil) which its people wrought. [Surah 16 An-Nahl, verse 112]
Nowadays, there are some Muslims who have adopted a new style. Whenever there is a difference of opinion about certain matters in Islam amongst them, they become so quick to judge their opponents who are Muslim brothers just like them. They label them as ‘kafir’ (infidels), ‘mushrikines’ (those who associate partners with Allaah Ta’alah) and so on.
This is a serious matter and one must be cautious as to whom one has labelled as ‘kafir’ (infidel) because it is Allaah Ta’alah who truly knows who has rejected faith and became an infidel (a kafir). It is neither our job to label anyone as ‘kafir’, nor to judge people and condemn them to hell fire. There are Ulamah to guide us, so that we do not fall in ‘shirk’ and ‘kufr’. Before we label or mark someone as ‘kafir’ (an infidel) we need to reflect on the following hadith (narration):-
Prophet Muhammad (sal lal laahu alaihi wa sal lam) has said: “if someone says to his Muslim brother: ‘Oh infidel (kafir)’, then the truth of this label will return to one of the two. If it is true, then it will be as he said. But if it is false, then it will return to the one who has said it. Thus the one who has wrongly labelled the other brother, is an infidel himself.” [Muslim]
In brief, if we have marked a Muslim as a ‘kafir'(an infidel) or a ‘mushrik’ (someone who associates partners to Allaah Ta’alah) while that marked person is not so, then we have walked out of Islam. That is why it is forbidden, as mentioned in the above Hadith, to brand a Muslim as an infidel (a kafir). The following verse from the holy Qur’an also confirms this:
“O ye who believe!, when you travel in the cause of Allaah, investigate carefully, and say not to anyone who offers you a salutation: ‘Thou art none of a Believer!” [Surah 4 An-Nissaa, verse 94]
The last Messenger of Allaah Muhammad (sal lal laahu alaihi wa sal lam)
‘Muhammad is not the father of any men among you, but is the Messenger of Allaah and is the Last among all the prophets. Allaah knows everything.’ [ Surah 33 Al-Ahzaab, verse 40]The Qur’an teaches us that the holy Prophet Muhammad (sal lal laahu alaihi wa sal lam) is the Last Prophet. Therefore there will be no more prophets who will come after him. There are many narrations which confirm that Prophet Muhammad (sal lal laahu alaihi wa sal lam) is the Last Prophet.
The Prophet Muhammad (sal lal laahu alaihi wa sal lam) has said: “Among my followers (Ummat), there will be 30 impostors and all will declare themselves as prophets, but I am the Last Prophet and there will be no prophets after me.” (Abu Dawood, Tirmizi)
He who believes that there will be another prophet or more prophets after the Prophet Muhammad (sal lal laahu alaihi wa sal lam) has committed an act of ‘kufr’. It is fundamental that a Muslim must believe that Prophet Muhammad (sal lal laahu alaihi wa sal lam) is the Last Prophet. This belief is a very crucial part of his imaan (faith).
Prophet Muhammad (sal lal laahu alaihi wa sal lam) has said: “If among my followers (ummah) there would have been a prophet after me, Umar bin Khattaab (radhi alaahu anhu) would have been the one” (Tirmizi)
This hadith (narration) clearly shows us that if there was to be another prophet in this Ummah (Muslim people), Umar (radhi Allaahu anhu) would have been the one, BUT there will be no more messengers now. Anyone who declares someone else or himself as prophet has walked out of the religion Islam. We must know that the title ‘Last Messenger’ is a very high Status, a Distinct Honour only for the Messenger of Allaah Muhammad (sal lal laahu alaihi wa sal lam).
Therefore it is a very serious insult and an insolence to declare someone else as prophet after the Messenger Muhammad (sal lal laahu alaihi wa sal lam).
Prophet Muhammad (sal lal laahu alaihi wa sal lam) has said: “He who imitates or mimics a group will be of that group which he imitates.” (Mishkaat, Abu Dawood)
It can be generally observed that a child will quickly and easily copy the manners, talking-style and character of its parent.
From the above narration we learn that on the Day of Judgment (Qiyamat) we will be raised from that group which we have imitated or copied. And this narration refers to such imitations as manners, dressing code, the way we beautify our faces, appearances, looks and living style in general.
Prophet Muhammad (may peace be upon him) ordered the muslims to fast for two days in the month of Muharrum so as not to imitate the Jewish people who used to fast for one day on the 10th of Muharrum.
The 1st of January, according to the Gregorian calendar, is the first day of the New Year.
Roman Emperor Julius Ceasar has established January 1st as New Year 46 B.C. The Romans dedicated this day to their ‘god’ Janus who was, according to Roman Mythology, the Roman god of the door, the beginning and the end. Hence the Roman calendar begins with a month named in his honour, January. He was commonly depicted with two faces: one facing forward to represent the future, and one facing back to represent the past.
The Romans used to offer certain kind of sacred branches as gifts on New Year’s Day. Later they began to give coins on which the image of the faces of ‘god’ Janus was imprinted.
It is a serious sin to congratulate, celebrate or join in other religious festivals. This is because it implies that we have accepted and approved their rituals which is ‘kufr’ (i.e. rejecting truth)
‘And whoever desires a religion other than Islam – never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers.’ [Surah 3 Al-Imraan, verse 85]
Therefore we must not take this matter lightly. When Prophet Muhammad (sal lal laahu alaihi wa sal lam) moved to Medina he found the local people were celebrating a two-day festival that they used to celebrate from the days of ignorance. The holy Messenger Prophet Muhammad (sal lal laahu alaihi wa sal lam) forbade them to celebrate that two-day festival and declared:
“Allaah Ta’alah has given you in return two days better than these, that is, Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha.” (Mishkaat)
So every Muslim must safeguard himself from ‘kufr’ (infidelity) and ‘shirk’ (associating partners with Allaah Ta’alah). Our faith requires from us that we must avoid all those things which have a link to ‘kufr’ and ‘shirk’.
Mixed marriage between Muslims and Non-Muslims is prohibited in Islaam
Mixed marriage between a Muslim and a non-Muslim is forbidden in Islam.
In Surah 2 Al-Baqarah (The Cow), verse 221, Allaah Ta’alah clearly shows us some very important laws in relation to this practice of mixed marriage between a Muslim and a non-Muslim.
1) Marriage between a Muslim and a non-Muslim is not allowed.
2) The reason: the person (non-muslim) who does not have faith in Islaam becomes the principal cause that will drag his or her partner into the fire of hell.
3) Mixed marriages have grave consequences whereby Muslim partners in such marriages get involved in the practice of ‘shirk’ and ‘kufr’ that eventually leads them into the fire of Hell.
4) In verse 221 of Surah 2 Al-Baqarah the following is mentioned:” And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you. And do not marry polytheistic men [to your women] until they believe. And a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even though he might please you. Those invite [you] to the Fire, but Allaah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness, by His permission. …”.
5) A Muslim who marries a non-Muslim always lives in adultery and fornication every day of his or her life.
6) By living a married life with a non-muslim, the Muslim partner will inevitably have to tolerate ‘shirk’ and ‘kufr’ practices most of the time or even participate in such practices.
7) In such environment, where ‘kufr’ and ‘shirk’ are the order of the day, it becomes even more difficult to practise Islamic principles and rituals.
8) The Islamic education of the children also becomes extremely difficult and they inevitably fall in the trap of ‘kufr’ and ‘shirk’ too.
9) In the end the parents ruin their own life here on earth and in next world as well as those of their children in this world and in the hereafter (life after death is called Akhirah in Arabic).
In Islam interest is a transaction based on injustice. Thus it is forbidden to receive and pay interest even to write or witness the interest-based transaction. In the Traditions (hadith) those who take and pay interest, write or witness interest transactions, have been cursed.
Ignorance is so much within people nowadays that they are quick to say that the surplus money they obtain from their bank deposit money is not interest but profits that the banks have given them after having transacted their money. Irrespective of what these people say or how they define this transaction, for the bank it is clear that this money is termed as interest (not profit) on their bank statements.
For example:- the person who kept Rs 50,000 in his bank account, receives in return 10% interest, which amounts to Rs 5,000. This Rs 5,000 is usury, which is clearly forbidden money (haraam money).
- ‘But Allaah has permitted trade and forbidden usury.’
- ‘Allaah destroys interest and gives increase for charities. And Allaah does not like every sinning disbeliever’
- And if you do not give up interest, then be informed of a war [against you] from Allaah and His Messenger.’
- (Surah 2 Al-Baqara, verse 275 – 281)
In the following hadith (narration) it is mentioned that:
- ” Interest has 70 divisions (classes/types) and the lightest division is that he who takes or receives interest is like someone who has married to his own mother.” (Ibn Majah)
- “One dirham of interest which is used by a person is more serious than 36 times of fornication (Arabic word for fornication is ‘zina’) – (Ahmad)
Lottery, horse-race, game casinos and so on are called chance games. There are different forms, types and methods of chance games in different regions, areas, places. These have existed throughout different eras and are still in existence nowadays.
Here are a few examples:-
1. One person tells another person if today the rain falls, I will give you Rs 1,000; and if it does not fall you will have to give me Rs 1,000.
2. In shops surprise draw is sold. The client pays Rs10 and is allowed to draw one number at random.
3. People also bet on horse, buy lottery tickets and so on.
Here is a Quranic verse about all the above mentioned:
“O those who have faith, alcoholic drinks, game of chance, sacrifices on the altar, the divining arrows to predict the future, all these are filth (very dirty), the work of the devil. Move away from that so that you may prosper.” (Surah 5 Al-Maidah, verse 90)
Arrogance is a catastrophic disease which destroys all your good deeds and ends your piety (Arabic word for ‘piety’ is ‘takwah’). If it is ignored and not tackled it becomes fatal and there is no cure for it. Arrogance is a ‘killer disease’ which leads to other spiritual diseases.
It is mentioned in the holy Qur’an:
“Thus does Allaah seal over every heart [belonging to] an arrogant tyrant.” (Surah 40 Ghafir, verse 35)
The arrogant is deprived of the truth. His heart becomes blind and his mind becomes heavy and he is incapable of understanding ‘Deen’ (Islamic religion).
“Truly Allaah does not love the arrogant, the vainglorious”. (Surah 4 An-Nisaa, verse 36)
It is mentioned in the following hadith (Tradition):-
- “Those who are arrogant will be put in the hell fire by Allaah.”
- “If in the heart of someone there is an atom of arrogance, he or she will not enter paradise.”
Literally arrogance is the act of being arrogant when a person behaves in a proud and superior manner – showing too much pride in himself and too little consideration for others. He considers others as inferiors and looks down upon them and takes himself above everyone else, superior to others.
The first effect of arrogance:
When this bad habit enters into the heart, it starts affecting the tongue. The person starts saying ‘I’, and ‘I AM LIKE THIS & LIKE THAT’ just like Satan said: “I am superior to Adam”
The second effect:
Wherever he goes he looks for personal greatness, honour and ranks. And he thinks he is more special than others; he goes about showing his pride.
We all must be aware that we are all suffering from this killer-disease. We need to get the cure and cleanse ourselves from it.
There are certain words and acts that if a person says or does, will destroy his ‘imaan’ (belief) and change his status from being a Muslim to a non-muslim because these words and acts are ‘kufr’.
Just like there are certain acts that annul a person’s ‘wudhu’, there are certain acts that annul a person’s faith or belief (imaan). If a Muslim happens to commit any of those acts, he will have to renew his Imaan (faith or belief in the Oneness of Allaah) by repenting to Allaah Ta’alah and abandoning those acts or words of kufr.
However, if a person remains in that state of ‘kufr’ and dies without making ‘taubah’ (repentance), all his good deeds will be in vain and he will be thrown into the hell fire and dwell there forever.