

1 – Cancer : Tomato contains large amount of lycopene, an antioxidant that is highly effective in scavenging cancer causing free radicals. This benefit can even be obtained from heat-processed tomato products.The lycopene in tomatoes defends against cancer and has been shown to be particularly effective in fighting prostate cancer, cervical cancer, cancer of the stomach and rectum as well as pharynx and esophageal cancers. It also protects against breast cancer and cancer of the mouth.

2 – Reduces Cholesterol and Protects the Heart : The lycopene in tomatoes prevents serum lipid oxidation, thus exerting a protective effect against cardiovascular diseases. The regular consumption of tomatoes has been proven to decrease the levels of LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

3 – Improves Vision : Vitamin A, present in tomatoes, aids in improving vision, as well as in preventing night-blindness and macular degeneration.

4 – Lowers blood pressure : Daily consumption of tomatoes reduces the risk of developing high blood pressure. This is partially due to the impressive levels of potassium found in tomatoes. Potassium is a vasodilator, meaning that it reduces the tension in blood vessels and arteries, thereby increasing circulation and lowering the stress on the heart by eliminating hypertension.

5 – Manages Diabetes : Daily consumption of tomatoes reduces the oxidative stress of type 2 diabetes.

6 – Healthy Skin : Tomatoes aid in maintaining healthy teeth, bones, hair and skin. Topical application of tomato juice is even known to cure severe sunburns. Daily consumption of tomatoes protects the skin.

7 – Prevents Urinary Tract Infections : Tomato intake also reduces the incidence of urinary tract infections, as well as bladder cancer. This is because tomatoes are high in water content, which can stimulate urination, so tomatoes are a diuretic in certain ways. This increases the elimination of toxins from the body, as well as excess water, salts, uric acid, and some fat as well!

8 – Prevents Gallstones: Regular consumption of tomatoes can also provide relief from gallbladder disease such as gallstones.

9 – Constipation :  Eating foods that are high in water content and fiber like tomatoes can help with hydration and promote regular bowel movements. Fiber adds bulk to stool and is essential for minimizing constipation.

  • What a wonderful vegetable is the tomato ! Who has put all these benefits in the tomato ? And who has made the tomato so beautiful ? The form  and   color  is simply superb ! And it is made specially for the benefits of human !
  • So the question is ,who created the tomato ? None can create the tomato except The Creator. It is The Creator who created the tomato,the vegetables ,the fruits and all the creation ,with such a beauty.

Allaah ,The Creator has described Himself in the Quran through His Names and Attributes.

Knowing these Names and Attributes is one of the most effective ways to know the Grandeur ,Power and Beauty of the Creator and hence  strengthening one’s relationship with  The Creator.

AS-SALÂM ,The All-Peaceful, The Bestower of peace  is among  the most beautiful names of The Creator.

  • The Creator is The All-Peaceful, The Bestower of peace.
  • The Creator is The Source of Peace, The Flawless, The Source of Wholeness and Well-Being.
  • The Creator is The One who is the source of all peace and safety.
  • The Creator is The One who is free from imperfections, free from faults, complete, whole, sound.
  • The Creator is The One Who is far greater and far removed from any imperfection or defect.
  • The Creator is the One who is Perfect, He has no deficiencies.
  • The Creator is The One Who does not resemble  any of His creation.
  • Many seek peace by struggling, battling and trying to impose their will on others, yet external peace will only prevail as a reflection of inner peace. The only path to outer peace is awareness of the tranquil depths of inner peace, and the only source of such inner peace is The Creator.

The Holy Prophet ( Peace be upon him ) never found fault with food, if he liked it then he would eat it. If he did not prefer it, then he would just leave it without complaining. (Bukhari)

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