1 – The Camel can survive without food and water for eight days at a temperature of 50°C.
2 – The Camels have two rows of thick eyelashes to protect their eyes from the desert dust and from harsh sandstorms.
3 – They are also able to close their nostrils and lips to keep out the dust and sand.
4 – Their humps are actually reservoirs of fats.It provides nutriment to the animal in times of starvation thus allowing camels to survive in such extreme hot regions. With this system , this animal can live 3 weeks without water.
5 – The hump may actually shrink when no food is available , and the camel can live off it for many days. It will then reform perfectly when food is again available.
6 – Camels have very strong and rubber-like lips that allow them to eat thorns sharp enough to pierce thick leather. The camel can bite and chew thorny cactus plants without harm to its mouth.
7 – It has a four chambered stomach and a very strong digestive system with which it can digest everything it eats.
8 – The thick and impenetrable hairs on the camel’s body prevent the scorching sun of the desert from reaching the skin of the animal. And it protect the body of the animal against cold climatic conditions.
9 – The knees are covered with a structure called “callus”, which is composed of skin as hard and thick as horn. When the animal lays down on the hot sands , this callus structure protects the animal from being defected by the extremely hot sand.
10 – The nose and ears of the camels are covered with long hairs for protection from sand and dust.
11 – The ears have thick hair inside as well as outside to prevent dirt and sand from getting down inside the ear.
12 – Most of the animals die when the accumulated urea in their body gets into the blood circulatory system. Yet , camels use this urea produced in their body , by filtering it through the liver continuously. Consequently , they use it as a source of protein and water. Both the blood and cell structures of the camel are specialized for enabling this animal to survive for long periods of time.
13 – A camel’s feet , although hoofed , have large pads that spread out in the soft sand to keep the animal from sinking in.
14 – When water is available (fresh or salty), camels drink well – up to 50 liters at a time.
15 – Camels also have a flexible ‘thermostat’ , and will not start sweating until their body temperature reaches 42 °C.
16 – Its body has such features that for many days , it can survive without water and food and can travel with hundreds of kilograms on its back.
17 – Its long neck enables the animal to reach and feed on the leaves , which are 3 meters high from the ground.
- The Creator invites mankind to reflect carefully on the signs around them so that they may guided.
- In the Quraan The Creator tell us:- ‘Why do they not reflect on the camels and how they are created?’ (88:17)
- Among animals , the camel has certain peculiar characteristics that is a reflection of Divine Wisdom and Power.
- It is The Creator who has made the camel so special an animal that it can travel in the scorching sunlight.
- It is The Creator who has made it possible for the camel to keep on travelling the whole night.
- It is The Creator who has designed the camel to be adapted to desert conditions.
- It is The Creator who has designed the camel’s nose and eye structures in order to protect itself against tornadoes and storms.
- It is The Creator who has designed the camel’s hump on its back with the reservoir of fat.
- He is The Creator. He is the Perfect One , in His Knowledge , in His Power ,in His Wisdom , in His Honor and Might.
- He is The Creator The Perfect and Most High.