1 – The Periodic Table is a chart which arranges the elements in a useful and logical manner.
2 – Elements are listed in order of increasing atomic number , lined up so that elements which exhibit similar properties are arranged in the same row or column as each other.
3 – The Periodic Table is one of the most useful tools of chemistry and the other sciences.
4 – The elements are organized in cycles or periods from left to right, based on the number of protons in their nucleus.
5 – Elements are also organized in groups , based on their characteristics. The far left column contains alkali metals , for example. They are all very similar in that they have only 1 electron in their outer shell and are very reactive.
The Periodic Table chart :-

6 – Inert noble gases are grouped in another column. They all have a full outer shell of electrons , making them very stable (they tend not to react with other elements). Elements in the columns have similar properties.
7 – For example , elements to the bottom and far left of the table are the most metallic , and elements on the top right are the least metallic. (e.g. cesium is much more metallic than helium). There are also many other patterns and relationships.
8 – Each element has an abbreviation. Some elements , like Hydrogen , which is H, are easy to remember.
9 – The present periodic table has room for 118 elements.
10 – The periodic table is used to observe patterns , and relationships between the elements. Because similar elements are grouped together , scientists know how they might react when mixed with other elements in a lab.
- The scientists have done a formidable work by analyzing the elements and arranging them in the Periodic Table.
- The scientists have only discovered and arranging them in the Periodic Table. And before the scientists discovered them , the most fantastic work is of the Creator who has created these elements with all it’s properties and functions.
- And the most saddest part is that the Creator who has created these elements is almost forgotten.
- And these scientists is remembered about their achievements.
- It is the Creator who is Flawless and is free from defect who has created all these atoms. By adding one proton and one neutron to the nucleus of the atom and by adding one electron to the atom’s orbit, The Creator has created new atoms with a complete different properties and functions.
- He is the perfect artist who gives everything the most unique and beautiful form. He is the one who, without using any model , shapes everything in the most perfect shape.
- Each and every creation is the manifestation of the Creator’s Power , Might and Wisdom.